Edward Watts (Scandalous, It's a Bird...Plane...It's Superman at Encores!) is joining the cast of The Fantasticks at off-Broadway’s Snapple Theater Center. He will take over from Jeremiah James as the Narrator (El Gallo) on April 28 for a two-week engagement, playing through May 12. The long-running show’s 56th anniversary is on May 3.
Directed by Tom Jones, The Fantasticks has a book and lyrics by Jones and music by Harvey Schmidt. A modern twist on Romeo and Juliet, the musical tells the story of a boy and girl who fall in love and then quickly grow apart when they realize they want to experience the world. The Fantasticks features memorable songs “Try to Remember,” “Much More,” “They Were You” and “Soon It’s Gonna Rain.”
The cast of The Fantastics also includes Jim Schubin as The Boy (Matt), Samantha Bruce as The Girl (Luisa), George Lee Andrews as The Boy’s Father (Hucklebee), Donald Corren as The Girl's Father (Bellomy), MacIntyre Dixon as The Old Actor (Henry), Michael Nostrand as The Man Who Dies (Mortimer) and Pierce Cravens as The Mute. The production also features Scott Willis, Rita Markova, and Tom Flagg.